Infant Massage Benefits: Baby, Parents, Society

Posted by on Dec 4, 2018 in Blog | Comments Off on Infant Massage Benefits: Baby, Parents, Society

Infant Massage Benefits: Baby, Parents, Society

Infant Massage Benefits: Baby, Parents, Society

 “It is not a therapy that you do to your baby; it is a deep communicative art that you do withyour baby”

Vimala McClure

Massage seems like a natural part of interacting with your baby.  Something that cultures and traditions have been doing for thousands of years.  But have you really ever delved into what the benefits are of that nurturing quality time that you are spending with your little one?  The list is long, but well worth reading the benefits that are provided to your infant as well as yourself, family, society and the impact it has on the world.

Let’s start with the most important person, your baby.  What are the benefits of massaging your infant?

    • Promoting secure attachment
    • Pre-language communication skills
    • Feeling respected
    • LOVE
    • Nurturing touch
    • Early contact with both parents
    • Empathy
    • Circulatory, Digestive, Endocrine (hormonal), Lymphatic, Nervous, Respiratory, Vestibular (coordination and balance) Systems
    • Language development
    • Improved learning ability
    • Muscular development and tone
    • Growth
    • Elimination (gas, waste, stool)
    • Connections between neurons
      • Stroking promotes and quickens the growth of the myelin sheath
    • Gas and colic
    • Constipation and elimination
    • Gastrointestinal (digestive) cramps
    • Excess mucus
    • Growing pains
    • Muscular tension
    • Teething discomfort
    • Sensitivity to touch
    • Improved sleep patterns
    • Helps normalize muscle tone
    • Increased flexibility
    • Improved ability to calm oneself
    • Higher levels of relaxing or anti-stress hormones (oxytocin/serotonin)
    • Lower levels of stress hormones (cortisol/norepinephrine)

Moving on to benefits for parents, family members, and society.


  • Better understanding of your baby
  • Reading and respecting your baby’s cues
  • Promotion of bonding and secure attachment
  • Improved self-esteem and confidence
  • Early involvement for father
  • Decreases stress hormones and increases relaxation hormones
  • Improved sleep
  • Stimulates lactation
  • Decrease in postnatal depression


  • Involvement of siblings
  • Decrease in sibling rivalry
  • Involvement of extended family
  • Increased respect
  • Relaxed environment
  • Reduction of conflicts
  • Better sleep


  • Increase of positive touch
  • Reduction of national health costs due to a healthier society
  • Increased respect and empathy
  • Reduction of abuse, violence, vandalism and crime

Taking all of these benefits into consideration it’s no wonder the whole world would be positively impacted by the nurturing touch you are able to provide your child.  Massaging your baby is fun, positive and nourishing to you, your baby, your family, and your community around you. Enjoy massaging your beautiful baby! Not sure how? Ask me.  I teach parents and baby to give and receive massage in small classes and privately in your own home.